"Around here, however, we don't look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things… and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths. – Walt Disney"
Resolutions are hard. We all know this, and I bet you’ve already broken yours (stop being a lame-face, jump back on ’em and get going!). So this year, I elected to not make any specific resolutions. Instead, I was inspired by this post and came up with 52 goals.
I loosely started them in January, but when I first decided to take on this list of goals I was out of town, and then ended up traveling way too much for the rest of the month.
So what’s a lady to do?! I couldn’t get into any type of routine while hopping around on different couches. Luckily, I remembered reading a suggestion to start my new year in February. I ended up doing my best to clear my schedule and past commitments during January, in-between work and traveling. Starting in February was the best decision for this. I’ve been able to be way more proactive on these goals because I wasn’t stressed about sticking to a resolution for January 1.
The best thing I like about taking on my year in this way is that my goals are my own and they can be as difficult or easy as I choose. Many of the things listed I have done before, yet haven’t in awhile and I want to remind myself to make them a priority. I also love how the pressure to complete all 52 items is almost none. If I only hit 20 items on my list, then I get to say that I completed 20 goals for 2014. If I hit 30, or 40, or more, then ALL THE BETTER! Woot! Go me!
Maybe this makes sense for you, maybe it doesn’t. In either case, I hope you enjoy my list of goals I want to accomplish this year. If you see a number that you think you can help me with, speak up! Let me know and let’s get together. 🙂
1. Focus on discipleship and prayer2. Go on a hike with family 3. Become more comfortable with speaking Spanish 4. Write and publish 2 short scripts online 5. Get back to blogging, about anything! 6. Cross a border internationally (and come back…) 7. Have a therapy session 8. Send more physical mail to my friends 9. Watch at least 28 sunrises 10. Figure out what my retirement fund is in and how to grow it 11. Get to Nashville 12. Save up an emergency fund 13. Pay off my student loans 14. Pray outside of my comfort zone 15. Make more crafts with Ashley 16. Hug a hurting stranger 17. Organize a group picnic (bucket list) 18. Create a time capsule (w/nephews or cousins) 19. Sing and video record a song with Ritchie20. Find a co-founder for my business venture 21. Memorize more specific scripture verses22. Do a BIG ANONYMOUS GIVEAWAY 23. Write a letter to Anju (my World Vision child) 24. Go to a live music concert at the Avalon 25. Overnight outside camping trip 26. Journal during two trips 27. Share more pictures for fun 28. Cook homemade soup (that’s different from the typical Chicken Noodle) 29. Collaborate with another artist (preferably a painter) 30. See the dueling piano bar 31. Go “off-grid” for a day 32. Go kayaking 33. Go ice-skating 34. Make it the Best Birthday Ever! 35. Attend a movie marathon 36. Print more of my favorite pictures 37. Get into a workout routine 38. Mentor a person specifically on a weekly basis for at least a month if not more 39. Do as many crunches in a row until I collapse 40. Go on a Segway tour 41. Read & finish enough books to fill up an empty self (Jon Acuff reference) 42. Eat a raw/vegan diet for 10 days minimum43. Dance in the rain 44. Hold a newborn baby 45. Play with paint on tarp 46. Find a salamander 47. See if my cats will play with a laser 48. Attempt to learn stick shift 49. Sell/giveaway a significant amount of things 50. Find a dancing partner (local to where I’m living) 51. Finish writing my bucket list52. Make a new list for next year
Anything stand out to you? Give me a shout-out if you take on this idea yourself or want to do a goal together.
52 Goals for 2014
Next time: Let’s talk about one of the worst feelings ever, “The Impostor Syndrome.”
Hey Beth! Your goals sound awesome! 😛 I hope that you learn to be content and work around your goals this year (every year I feel like a failure because I never end up meeting all of mine and this year I’m just going to focus on what I did get done!) you are amazing
I want to (during 2014)…
1. Graduate on the National Honor Society
2. Have the best summer ever
3. Spend time with my friends and family
4. Live in the moment/Have Fun
5. Not take my life, or the life of others for granted
6. Pray/Thank God for my many blessings
7. Make a difference in my community
8. Help the less fortunate
9. Join the Connecticut College class of 2018
10. Learn how to surf
11. Learn about my Chinese culture
12. Run on the Conn Coll Cross Country team
13. Return to dance classes
14. Give my best self to everything I do
15. Get back into Photography again
Hey Beth! Your goals sound awesome! 😛 I hope that you learn to be content and work around your goals this year (every year I feel like a failure because I never end up meeting all of mine and this year I’m just going to focus on what I did get done!) you are amazing
Yes! That’s what I’m most excited about my list, is that I’ll still be accomplishing really great things these year even if I don’t complete all 52. 🙂
I want to (during 2014)…
1. Graduate on the National Honor Society
2. Have the best summer ever
3. Spend time with my friends and family
4. Live in the moment/Have Fun
5. Not take my life, or the life of others for granted
6. Pray/Thank God for my many blessings
7. Make a difference in my community
8. Help the less fortunate
9. Join the Connecticut College class of 2018
10. Learn how to surf
11. Learn about my Chinese culture
12. Run on the Conn Coll Cross Country team
13. Return to dance classes
14. Give my best self to everything I do
15. Get back into Photography again