This is the LAST post of 2012! Wow. This past week I spent a lot of time in review. I wrapped up a lot of editing (both still and video!) and worked on plans for my business in 2013. Expect more transparency in that area this year, as well as more videos.
*For a quick review; here are the posts I have published every New Year’s since 2009. All titles are linked to my old website when I was working on my 365 project and just starting out in photography.*
The wind down of ’09 and the wind up 2010.
HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!! (2010)
First day of 2011!
Moving forward – 2012
Along with posting a yearly blog post, since 2010 God has given me a fruit of the spirit to focus on for the entirety of the year. Sometimes it’s good, but mostly it’s really difficult and I fail a lot. This year I have chosen to focus on Faithfulness.
Ten in 2010
1. What is one thing you desire from God? (For a starting point, check David’s desire at Psalms 27:4)
2. What is one thing that you lack in the relationship between you and God?
3. What is one thing you need to let go of?
4. What is one promise that you need to claim?
For those who belong to the body of Jesus Christ there are ten virtues that shine through in their lives because of the radical difference Jesus has made and what he means to them. Each virtue is defined through different verses in the New Testament. We were challenged to pick a virtue to work on that would help us to truly live by the fruits of the Spirit.
Picture # 10
I am choosing Self-Control. Over Winter break I have really a lot of disciplines go, and that has spilled over into all aspects of my life. When I’m not living my life the way God intended to be lived it becomes obvious to everyone around me. And I’m not saying that Christians have to be perfect, I know that even giants of the faith like Paul the apostle struggled to live like Jesus. But this year, and throughout this new decade, I would love to get right with the Lord. And I am choosing to do this through zoning in specifically on this aspect of my life. I’m ready to give up my comfortable life of doing whatever I want to do, to truly surrender to Jesus Christ.
*Sorry if this post is too preachy. But I said in this blog before, I am a Christian, and sometimes when The Holy Spirit says something to me I gotta share.
In 2010 the word was Self-Control (I should probably repeat this one, haha).
In 2011 the word was Love.
In 2012 the word was Gentleness.
For 2013 I am choosing Faithfulness. For several different reasons, God has lead me to focus on this specific spiritual fruit and I cannot wait to see how He is going to be moving throughout this year of faithfulness emphasis!
*My Fashion Tuesday project is morphing into something else. They will not be the same from here on out, and I may not always post on Tuesdays like previously. Expect an explanation of both the shedding of Fashion Tuesday and what I’ll be doing next soon. Enjoy the night all you beautiful people!!!